Central Missouri Agriculture Club

To Support, Promote, and Recruit Agriculture and Youth in Central Missouri

Pie Contest 

CENTRAL BANK and the CENTRAL MISSOURI AGRICULTURE CLUB INC. invite you to submit your homemade pies in their 14th annual pie contest. The pie you choose could be an original recipe you have made yourself or one that has been passed down through the generations. That perfect pie could win you money. So, get the creativity flowing and let’s bake those pies.


1. Contestants must pre-enter by January 18th, 2023

2. All pies (filling and crust) must be made from scratch and be BAKED in a nine inch (9”) or ten inch (10”) sale able pie pan.

Use the type of pan you prefer but : Pans will not be returned.

3. Contestants will enter two identical pies to be judged and auctioned.

4. Pies must be BAKED at home and submitted to the Ag Club at the Pork Place on the Fairgrounds.
from 10 A.M. till 1 P.M. on Saturday January 21, 2023. Judging will begin at 1:30 P.M.

5. Recipes will be judged on taste (35%), appearance (25%), originality/creativity (25%), general appeal (10%) , and recipe directions(5%).

6. Each contestant may enter only once in each category.

7. Each entry must have the complete recipes (filling and crust) and must be typed or printed on The same side of an 8 ½ X 11 sheet of paper. On the back side must be printed the contestants name, address and phone no.

8. The club reserves the right to edit, adapt, copyright, publish and use any names, recipes or pies for publicity, promotions or advertising.

9. This contest is intended for amateur bakers only. Professional bakers or those who earn a significant portion of their income from baking may not enter.

10. Both pies will be auctioned in our Pie Auction following the dinner that evening.

11. Funds go for scholarships for youth studying Agriculture and to help 4-H and FFA with there livestock and horse achievement days

Pie Contest

For more information contact

Janice Klenke